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For more than a decade, Fundación Proyecto Unión opened its doors for young high school students in the capital to carry out their social service, serving two of the most vulnerable populations: sick children and elderly street dwellers. Despite the fact that last year due to difficult circumstances it was stopped, this year it was resumed in a virtual and face-to-face way.

This is how since last February the foundation received 14 students from the French Lyceum, with the purpose of knowing a reality and awakening feelings of solidarity. For this, a program was established that included recreational and pedagogical interactions with the children and a visit in person to the facilities of the Hogar Santa Rita de Cascia to deliver the aid collected during the semester through their campaigns.

On the other hand, complying with the security protocols and maintaining the adequate capacity, several young people from the schools attend on Saturdays: Fundación Nueva Granada, Pureza de María, San José, Virtual School Siglo XXl, Montessori and Alessandro Volta Gymnasium. They put into action their desire to help, fulfilling various tasks such as walking, playing and feeding the children, organizing the different areas of the house, folding clothes and participating in the different recreational and pedagogical activities that are carried out daily at home.

The integration of young people in these types of real contexts, where they learn to value the true importance of social inclusion, is not only a winner for them on a personal level, but for us, since every day thanks to them and their families, our volunteer angel program grows stronger.