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During the month of February and March, the Fundación Proyecto Unión received 19 physiotherapy students from the Manuela Beltrán University (UMB), under the form of a teaching-assistance agreement, who not only shared their knowledge and strengthened their learning, but also gave their hearts to each of the children who benefited from our home.

Under the leadership of teachers Diana Tafur and Odeth Torres, students performed alternative therapies such as chromotherapy and aromatherapy aimed at improving children’s quality of life, as well as handing out illustrative materials to treat seizure syndrome and epilepsy. On the other hand, they delivered material and held a talk about postural hygiene aimed at the caregivers and about the positioning of the children.

After completing their hours of practice, the students and teachers wanted to say goodbye in a special way, for this they brought for the children, a fun activity of recreation and magic with a character of Doctor Clown, danced zumba and shared a snack, thus leaving a mark full of joy and hope for the whole family Project Union.