Thanks to all those generous hearts that joined the “Abrigatón” campaign, today we delivered 250 blankets and ruanas to warm the cold days and nights of our elderly beneficiaries of the programs “Comedor Maria es mi Madre” and “Casa la Esperanza” of the Proyecto Union Foundation.
The faces of the grandparents expressed feelings of joy, hope and gratitude as they received with applause and smiles this donations that will undoubtedly comfort hundreds of lives.
This campaign arose in early July, from the need to provide welfare to more than a hundred grandparents who spend most of their time on the street, enduring cold. Therefore, the offices of institutional development and communications launched a social media campaign that reached the hearts of many angel donors, who decided to put into action their desire to help by contributing money for the purchase of blankets.
This shows that joining our efforts, enables us tu really change realities and today more than 200 elderly street inhabitants will spend the night better prepared thanks to the solidarity of our donor angels”.