For more than 30 years the ecological walk “Saint Francisco de Asis” takes place, led by Ray Schambach, founder of the Fraternity of Divine Providence, a Catholic organization approved by the Vatican and constituted in Colombia for the apostolic work with vulnerable children and the elderly. Every year this walk brings together friends and acquaintances from the different foundations and organizations in which Father Ray has left his seed of hope.
On the morning of November 5, more than 50 people gathered at the facilities of Hogar San Francisco in Usaquén, where more than 30 grandparents currently receive the means to continue with a full life.
11 members of the Proyecto Unión Foundation represented the organization, where not only endurance was put to the test, but also teamwork, because under the rain and undergrowth this large group made the 13 km walk from Bojacá to the “Hogar San Antonio de Padua” in Cachipay Cundinamarca, where there was no lack of falls, laughter and even the formation of human chains to pass the ravines.
This walk has become a tradition where we not only have the opportunity to get out of our routine, but to contribute to the transformation of a more tolerant and supportive society.
We thank Father Ray for this invitation and those who decided to participate, their presence adds to continue supporting Hogar San Francisco and the Fraternity of Divine Providence, where the material and physical help of many people throughout these years has given fruitful harvests for the benefit of the elderly, children and sick people who are economically and socially unprotected.