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Today at 9:00 am, almost 200 members of different ROCHE international headquarters connected from virtuality to meet their annual appointment at the Children´s Walk 2021. This important activity that calls for solidarity, this year established as a slogan : “Together we are stronger”, with the aim of achieving stronger and healthier communities in the world and for this occasion, in our country three foundations were selected to develop their projects, among them, the Fundación Proyecto Unión, an organization that is coming supporting since 2015.

Both its directors, as well as the representatives of the foundations and this year’s ambassador, Wilson Garibello, expressed their intention to transform lives, of communities that need it. “This event that brings us together today aims to unite talents to create solid collaborative fabrics and networks,” said Rodrigo Gómez General Manager. The collection goal for this year is 70 million, so very early with the shirt on, they began to carry out a series of activities such as the walk for the children, virtual bingo and the concert with Batuta.

For his part, Dr. Fernando Quintero, Director of Fundación Proyecto Unión, in his speech, highlighted the projects that have been achieved together with Roche, such as the Casa de los Ángeles, a home away from home that restores faith and hope to families who come from remote regions, with their sick children to the capital. It also motivated them to be part of the “Hogar Amparo de Ángeles” project, which aims at comprehensive, timely and quality care for children in our country. Thus, with the idea of ​​transforming lives, rather than coming together to donate, we are sure that together with ROCHE we will be able to write better stories.