This beautiful project of creating a vegetable garden of their own at Casa de los Angeles, emerged in the Union Project Foundation in 2018, with the purpose of planting food that could serve as provider for the beneficiary families, who come from far away to seek medical treatment for their sick children, as well as to offer an alternative therapy to those moms, who watch over the health and recovery of their children, leaving their home and family behind, while facing a harsh reality.
The best thing about the vegerable garden is the union of all the people who have lovingly put their hands in this project, to harvest more than just seeds of hope for their lives. Currently the garden has corn, lettuce, carrots, aloe, long onion, chard, broccoli, coriander and several species of aromatic herbs, they are also experimenting with carrots and garlic.
From the beginning we have had the support of the gardeners of the Jaime Duque Park creating the beds and preparing the soil for new crops, we have also had the advice of the members of the nursery of Ecoparque Sabana del Parque Jaime Duque.
These products serve as inputs for the preparation of food in the house, which provides three meals to the beneficiary families. Leidy Serrano and Karina Velasquez were two of the moms who participated in the maintenance, watering and planting of the plants, during the time they were in medical check-ups and appointments for their children; this was a good way to entertain themselves, have contact with nature, feel useful in their free time and show their gratitude to the foundation.
Thanks to all those who have made it possible for this project to grow to heal the souls and nourish the hearts of the beneficiary families of the Union Project Foundation.