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EdgeUno, leader in high-quality Internet connectivity in the Americas, exemplifies the philosophy of rewarding the good things that happen to them. That’s how they came looking for a foundation that would be characterized by rewarding society through its mission and decided to put into action their desire to help the different programs of the Fundación Proyecto Unión, which benefit children. and older adults in a vulnerable condition.

From the Human Resources area, led by Luisa Fernanda Estévez, a campaign was led for all employees to give voluntarily, through a payroll discount, for a month, with the condition that the company committed to match and exceed that value, which is why it was possible to consolidate a generous donation that was officially delivered in recent days, by of directors and representatives at the headquarters of the Santa Rita de Cascia Home. The visit to the home during the delivery proved to be a pleasant experience for all, as Luisa Fernanda said, “everything you do with love can be achieved, together we can help, if you have human will, money helps, but the will makes the company grow and is a contribution to our society. ”

This social responsibility initiative is carried out by the company at its different offices throughout Latin America and its goal is to help mitigate situations that affect vulnerable communities. On this occasion, thanks to the commitment of the directors of EgdeUno in Colombia, Mehmet Akcin, its President, Epafras Schaden and Diana Villamizar, the employees were motivated to participate in the campaign, achieving a significant contribution that will impact the lives of more than a hundred children and grandparents.