“So much happiness makes everything worthwhile, what I have been through in my life is like a movie that passes through my mind, remembering the moment, when at 16 years old I was with my mom, away from home, in a hospital in the capital, facing cancer, until reaching this point, today an honorary graduate, as a flight attendant, is an indescribable happiness”, said Juan Pablo. Montero, a young man from Planadas Tolima beneficiary of the Fundación Proyecto Unión.
All this great dream began, due to the motivation received from our ally, the “Embrace a Dream Foundation”, led by Maria Camila Morales, who visited him in the hospital and made him believe that his life is worth living and that it is worth living, they made a proposal to put everything on his side, the energy and impulse to face the disease, in exchange, they committed to fulfill his dream of seeing the see, and to study so that he could travel all over the world. This was how this brave young man conquered the disease and had the opportunity to know the sea in the city of Cartagena, and also received a scholarship from the Air Training Academy, AFA of Colombia, located on the road to Guaymaral, municipality of Chia.
Those who knew about the mission inside the Fundación Proyecto Unión of caring for families from different regions of the country, with sick children, at the headquarters “Casa de los Ángeles” in Tocancipá. We were contacted by Ma Camila to provide the necessary support of lodging and food for Juan Pablo during these three years. “This was the most comfortable home to study and take a break, thanks for the support of the people, the administrative team, everyone at Casa de los Ángeles, you were a family, they were always there for my personal or study things”, said Juan Pablo on his graduation day.
Sandra Vega, his mother moved to Bogotá to accompany him at this stage of his life, while his father and brother stayed in Planadas, they are only grateful to God and the people who made it possible to fulfill their dream, but of course they are also very proud of their son for his achievements. This story of improvement has many to thank, but the most important of all is Juan Pablo, who loves his career and won the award for excellence, besides showing us his desire to progress in life, since his goals do not stop there, now he will begin his English studies to internationalize and be able to fly all over the world.