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During the Holy Week period, the Caceres Basurto family reaffirmed their faith through a beautiful work of charity in which more than a hundred grandparents of the Comedor Maria es mi Madre enjoyed delicious lunches donated by the family on different occasions.

For the month of June they wanted to share once again their generosity with our grandparents, therefore, on the occasion of the month of the father this family surprised them with a delicious “lechona”; additionally they gave them a pair of warm socks, perfect for the cold of the city.

Thanks to our angel donor Mireille de Caceres and her family, for trusting and understanding reality as an opportunity to help, the generous heart that identifies them reflects that the real way to experience a living faith is by supporting others and getting involved with others.

This gesture of solidarity allowed our grandparents to enjoy this special date, remembering the great value they have in society.