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The joy and enthusiasm of everyone watching Sofi walking between the parallel bars, going up and down steps to train her gait, the use of the unstable bases to improve her balance and her beautiful smile when she saw herself in the mirror, enjoying a new experience on the seesaw, were possible thanks to the group of physiotherapy students from Manuela Beltrán University (UMB), who did their professional practice at Fundación Proyecto Unión.
In order to improve the health care and quality of life of the 62 children who benefit from the Santa Rita de Cascia Home, our organization has been strengthening teaching service and professional practices agreements with different higher education institutions. Thanks to them, students have the opportunity to interact with children and professionals from such important areas as physiotherapy, speech therapy, cardiorespiratory therapy, medicine, nursing, psychology, among others.
“The initiative to leave each child a product or element that could be used for their rehabilitation, as well as the development and management of the resources provided, arose from the needs we identified in them”, said Diana Vargas, teacher in charge of one of the UMB’s Physiotherapy groups. Stimulating the senses, mobility, sensitivity, the vestibular and cognitive system, as well as avoiding the risk of injury to children were some of the objectives set by this excellent group of students, who undoubtedly, with their professionalism, left a mark that is represented in the well-being of the children and the heart of the whole family Project Union.